There’s been amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 and new Residential Tenancies Regulation 2019 which commenced on 23 March 2020.
The purpose of the changes are to improve the tenants’ renting experience while ensuring landlords can improve management of their properties.
The aim of the changes are:-
* to assist with reducing disputes over repairs and maintenance,
* increase protection and certainty for tenants, and;
* clarify the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords.
One of these changes is a new form of Residential Tenancy Agreement and Condition report to be used for agreements entered into from 23 March 2020.
Landlords or agents will also need to sign an acknowledgment on the tenancy agreement that the landlord has read and understood the Landlord Information Statement. No signature is required on the document itself, however penalties apply if the document is not read and understood.
A new Tenant Information Statement will replace the current New Tenant Checklist that landlords/agents must give a tenant before the tenant enters into a Residential Tenancy Agreement. A landlord/agent must not make false or misleading statements or knowingly conceal certain material facts from a prospective tenant before they sign an agreement. There is now an updated list of material facts a landlord/agent must disclose to a tenant prior to entering into a tenancy agreement which I will explain in upcoming articles.
If you need assistance with any property or land matters contact Everingham Solomons because Helping You is Our Business.
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