TLRbwEveringham Solomons is proud to be one of the major sponsors and organisers of the Pedal the Peel Cycling Challenge to be held at Moore Creek Tennis Club, Moore Creek Rd, Tamworth on Sunday, 2 April 2017.

The event is unique to Tamworth because it caters for all levels of rider fitness and experience.

You can choose from a flat 16 km or 24 km course or the more challenging 55 km or 115 km hilly courses.

The event is designed to encourage all levels of riders (minimum age 12 years) to become involved, have a great fun day and help raise money for local charities.

It is unique because we don’t ask you to raise thousands of dollars sponsorship to ride in the Challenge.

You only need to pay your registration fee of $50 per rider or $100 for a group of 4 riders.

Included in the registration fee is a steak sandwich and drink which will be provided on return to the start/finish location at Moore Creek Tennis Club. There will also be live music at the start/finish site, so you can enjoy some socialising on your return.

It’s unique because it supports lesser known and less well-supported community organisations.

This year the event will support Youth Insearch which is a grass roots, early intervention program which works with at risk youth and focuses on resolving adolescent issues at peer level. This organisation has had tremendous results in assisting at risk youth change their lives.

We are also supporting the Banksia Acute Mental Health Unit at the Tamworth Base Hospital and other mental health charities in the Tamworth region.

We all know that mental health has become a huge issue and this is our way of helping address mental health in our region.

You know the event will be well-run and costs kept to an absolute minimum because it is an event organised by the Rotary Clubs of Tamworth First Light and the Rotary Club of Sunrise.

I encourage you to get a team together, challenge your friends and work mates…remember 4 riders only costs $100 and the money goes to deserving local charities. Let’s help make this event a fantastic success.

You can register online at

Everingham Solomons Solicitors supporting our community.

Click here for more information on Terry Robinson