The Holliday season is something a lot of us look forward to for the whole year as it brings with it some much awaited time off from work.
It also brings with it a number of Public Holidays, and who doesn’t love a public holiday!
So what Public holidays do we have to look forward to over the holiday season?
In NSW Christmas day, 25 December 2020 and Boxing Day are recognised as Public Holidays.
As Boxing Day falls on a Saturday this year, there is an additional Public holiday on 28 December 2020. Bonus!
New Year’s Day is also a public holiday falling on Friday 1 January 2020.
So let’s talk about what happens when a Public holiday falls on a day you would usually be required to work.
If you a full time or part time employee, then your employer is required to pay you your base rate for the day. So if you would usually work five (5) hours on a Tuesday and a public holiday falls on a Tuesday, then you are entitled to get paid for five (5) hours. If your usual hours do not fall on a day that is public holiday, then you are not entitled to be paid.
If your employer requires you to work on a Public holiday or you agree to do so, then you are entitled to take the hours you worked off on another day in substitution for the Public Holiday. Depending on your award, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement, you may be entitled to a higher rate of pay for hours worked on a Public Holiday.
What about the casual employees out there?
There is no obligation for casual employees to work on public holidays. However if you do, then you are usually well compensated. Depending on your industry, public holiday rates can be up to triple your ordinary rate of pay. The rate for public holiday pay is entirely dependent on what award, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement that your employment falls under.
The Staff and Directors at Everingham Solomons wish you all a Wonderful Holiday Period and a Happy New Year and note we will be back in the office on 4 January 2021 because Helping You is Our Business.
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